Why you should never let your garage door stay open

Some homeowners allow their garage door to stay open unattended. Big mistake. This can lead to burglaries and a host of awful situations. Here’s Garage Door Repair Chicago’s reasons you should never, ever, leave your garage door open.

Animal Infestations

Even when it’s hot out, it’s smart not to leave garage door open, as bugs or other critters can take it as an invitation to make your garage their new mansion. From roaches and termites, to even squirrels or birds – animals can go into your garage and quickly hide, or create nests – and once they have established a home in your garage, they are much harder to get rid of.



Leaving garage doors open seriously attracts burglars and thieves – who may attempt to steal vehicles, parts of vehicles, or even equipment kept inside garages. Many people who leave garage doors open overnight wake to find their workspace drawers and cabinets open, meaning they have been rifled through by burglars searching for valuables.


Security Risks

Home invasion is pretty much the worst thing that can happen due to leaving a garage door open overnight. Recently, police in Kentucky placed a report of a lady who thankfully was able to frighten away a home invader who accessed her home through an open garage door. She was lucky however – burglaries often occur during the day, when homes are unattended. You wouldn’t want to be the victim of a burglary – and even a second of carelessness can turn an open garage door into a major security hazard. Don’t even risk it.

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